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Bamboo post
27 January 20222 min read

Why Craig continues to buy regardless of the market

Happy Friday 🌱 We thought we'd give you some food for thought as you enter the weekend by interviewing Craig, Head of Growth here at Bamboo about his…
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Bamboo post
27 January 20225 min read

What is Dollar Cost Averaging in Crypto?

Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is a long-term and low-risk investment strategy designed to help reduce the effects of volatility. It's popular amongst…
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Bamboo post
24 January 20221 min read

Meet the Team - Monica Harvey

Behind the scenes of Bamboo is an incredible team of talented, hard working and passionate individuals working to continually improve and enhance our users…
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Bamboo post
24 January 20222 min read

How to Find Reliable Crypto Information

It's Monday and that means the latest instalment of our podcast Crypto Curious. In this episode, your hosts Tracey, Blake and Craig talk about where to…
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Bamboo post
20 January 20223 min read

A Decade of Bitcoin Deaths

Over the past ten years, Bitcoin has been declared dead 441 times, most recently on 4 January 2022. In fact, there were already several Bitcoin obituaries…
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Bamboo post
17 January 20221 min read

DAO's - The Future of Organisations?

In this weeks instalment of Crypto Curious, your hosts Tracey, Blake and Craig discuss the nascent world of DAOs, or decentralised autonomous organisations…
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Bamboo post
13 January 20221 min read

You might of heard of Layer 2 networks in crypto.. But what actually is it?

As crypto grows more and more popular, we've been hearing a lot about 'L2 networks' or 'L2 scaling solutions'. L2 is simply short for Layer 2, which is…
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Bamboo post
09 January 20222 min read

Web 3.0 | The next stage of the internet

The Internet has gone through two notable phases and is currently moving into its 3rd iteration. In the beginning, the internet served largely as a free…
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Bamboo post
20 December 20212 min read

Introducing $BAM and BAM Rewards

In our ongoing quest to bring our users the best micro-investing service possible, Bamboo is proud to announce the launch of our very own rewards token…
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