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The latest global crypto news

Bamboo post
15 November 20212 min read

Taproot Upgrade: Getting to Grips with Bitcoin's Latest Update

The Bitcoin network just went through its most significant change in four years - the Taproot upgrade. The upgrade was implemented successfully and without…
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Bamboo post
09 November 20211 min read

2021 October Update

October was a massive month for the Bamboo team. Bitcoin and Ethereum both hit all-time highs, we finalised our Series A, and we launched a podcast…
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Bamboo post
26 October 20212 min read

The first Bitcoin ETF has finally launched.. What does it mean?

On October 19, 2021, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) announced the launch of the first-ever Bitcoin ETF. The ETF was created by ProShares Fund…
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Bamboo post
20 October 20213 min read

The Weird and Wonderful World of NFT's

From cartoon penguins to pixelated punks, anybody who has been following the news over the past month will surely have heard about NFTs. But what are these…
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Bamboo post
12 October 20213 min read

1st to 14th of October: Crypto Fortnightly Round-Up

Crypto-mania resurfaced in early October as a powerful wave of new investments helped the market grow by 10%, adding A$300 billion to the overall value. In…
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Bamboo post
07 October 20211 min read

2021 September Update

We were hard at work in September, finalising our Series A capital raise. Expect a big update on that soon! 👸 Tracey Plowman, our COO appears in the…
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Bamboo post
08 September 20213 min read

5 companies that changed their mind about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is looking stronger than ever and will soon be celebrating its 13th birthday on 9 January 2022. Yet, for such a young asset, it sure has suffered…
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Bamboo post
30 August 20212 min read

2021 August Update

During August we made key additions to our growth and leadership team and crypto market passed an important milestone. 👩‍💻 Growth heads from Xero…
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Bamboo post
17 August 20213 min read

Ethereum London Upgrade: What’s all the fuss about?

On August 5, 2021, the Ethereum network implemented one of the most important upgrades in its 6-year history — the London Hard Fork. In blockchain language…
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