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7 Different Ways To Invest In Metaverse: Beginners Guide 2022

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Oliver Tweddell
Oliver Tweddell

7 Different Ways To Invest In Metaverse: Beginners Guide 2022

If you're looking for a new and exciting way to invest your money, look no further than the Metaverse. The Metaverse is a cutting-edge digital world that allows users to create and trade virtual assets. It's been gaining in popularity over the past few years, and there are now dozens of different ways to invest in the Metaverse. In this article, we'll discuss seven of the most popular methods for investing in the Metaverse. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investor, there's something for everyone!

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a term that is used to describe an interconnected virtual world. This world can be accessed through the internet and it allows users to interact with each other in a virtual space. The Metaverse is also home to many online games, social media platforms, digital collectors and more.

The Metaverse has been growing in popularity over the past few years. This is due to the advancement of technology, and integration of the blockchain which has made it possible for more people to access the internet, play games online and become digital asset creators/owners. 

The Metaverse is also becoming more popular because it offers a unique experience that cannot be found in the real world. In the Metaverse, you can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do. There are no limits on what you can do or where you can go. This freedom, alongside digital ownership has really taken off in a world where more censorship and asset restrictions becomes a reality.

The Metaverse is a place where you can escape the real world and experience something new. If you are looking for an adventure, then the Metaverse is the perfect place for you. 


What is Facebook's Metaverse?

Facebook's vision for the Metaverse is a virtual world that is more immersive and interactive than anything that exists today. It is a place where people can connect with friends, family, and co-workers in a way that is realistic and engaging. Facebook believes that the Metaverse will become the primary way people interact with each other online.

The Metaverse will be built on top of existing platforms such as Oculus Rift, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram. It will use artificial intelligence to create realistic avatars of users, which will be able to interact with each other in real time. Facebook is already working on some of the technology needed to make this vision a reality. Interestingly, they have now changed their name to Meta, to reflect the CEO's vision of a connected world through the Metaverse.

Why are there so many metaverse investors?

The answer is simple: because these investors believe the Metaverse is the future, in other words, they are speculating that the Metaverse will be intertwined with our daily lives.

Today, we are living in a world where physical borders are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Thanks to the internet, we can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. And as virtual reality technology gets better and cheaper, more and more people are starting to spend time in online worlds like Second Life, Sansar, and Decentraland.

The Metaverse is not just a fun place to hang out – it’s also a huge business opportunity. In the Metaverse, businesses can build virtual stores, host events, and offer services that are just not possible in the real world. And because there are no physical limitations in the Metaverse, businesses can reach a global audience of billions of people. This helps businesses build community around their brand and connect with people they may never have been able to reach previously.

So it’s no wonder that there are so many Metaverse investors out there. They see the potential for huge profits in this new and exciting world. And they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is.

So if you’re thinking about investing in the metaverse, don’t be discouraged by the competition. There’s room for everyone in this new frontier. Just make sure you do your homework and invest wisely.

Is Metaverse still growing in the virtual reality space?

Yes, the Metaverse is still growing. This growth includes not only user growth, with around 400million active monthly users. But with developer growth as well, there are more and more applications being built for the Metaverse every day. This includes new NFT projects, games and infrastructure being built daily.

The risks and rewards of investing in virtual worlds

The question of whether or not to invest in virtual worlds is a tricky one. On the one hand, there's the potential for huge rewards - after all, if even a fraction of the estimated two billion people who will be using virtual reality by 2023 are willing to pay for in-game items and experiences, that's a lot of money up for grabs.

Another positive is the ability to earn while you play some of your favourite games. This provides huge upside potential for online gamers looking to monetize their hobby.

On the other hand, there are some very real risks involved. For starters, it's still an emerging market and there's no guarantee that it will continue to grow at its current rate. Additionally, investing in virtual worlds means putting your faith in technology that is constantly changing and evolving - what might be popular today could be completely irrelevant tomorrow.

Another risk to consider is the actual digital assets involved with the specific Metaverse you are considering investing in. Not all cryptocurrencies are built the same. Different projects will carry varying levels of risk and this is something you will also need to assess.

Not to mention the security implications, there have been numerous hacks and social engineering attacks on people's crypto wallets. So there will be an increase in risk due to more people using the technology.


Different ways you can invest in the metaverse

  1. Buy Metaverse crypto

You have the option to invest in the underlying digital currency of your chosen Metaverse. For example if you really like Decentraland, then you could look at gaining exposure to their success by buying their cryptocurrency MANA.

The theory here would be that if the Decentraland Metaverse adoption and use continued to grow, then the value of their underlying token would also increase in value. By virtue of you holding the MANA token you would experience growth in your investment too. There is obviously a risk associated with this kind of crypto investment. 

  1. Acquire Metaverse virtual land

Another option you could look into is actually immersing yourself into the Metaverse a bit more and actually acquiring some virtual land within your preferred Metaverse. The principal behind this investment would be just the same as in real life, you would be looking to buy land to sell later on once it has increased in value.

Similar to normal land valuation, the price someone will pay will be determined by supply & demand. Furthermore, in the Metaverse it will also depend on the community and functionality the specific Metaverse is able to provide users.

  1. Rent Metaverse buildings

If you have purchased some land with buildings within the Metaverse, then just like in the real world, you can become a landlord and rent out your virtual land and buildings to other users.

Depending on the size, location and functionality of your land & buildings you could look to charge a high or low rent price. You will also be competing with other landlords who may be offering a similar service for a lower price.

  1. Invest in companies related to the metaverse ecosystem

This is a typical investing strategy used by investors that want some exposure to an asset or investment opportunity, but perhaps don't want to take on as much risk when investing directly.

For example if you like the idea of investing in the Metaverse, but don't want to buy a specific metaverse crypto, you could invest in businesses that are involved in the Metaverse. 

Meta (Formerly Facebook) is building its own Metaverse. Therefore providing an opportunity to get some exposure to the Metaverse, while not being "all-in" on it. Additionally, platforms like Immutable

Metaverse NFT

  1. Invest in Metaverse ETF

Betashares has released a Metaverse ETF. This strategy includes utilising more traditional financial investment options like an ETF to invest in businesses that invest or are involved in the Metaverse.

This ETF tracks the performance of 32 Metaverse related businesses, such as Meta, Roblox and Nvidia to name a few. This is also a good way to gain exposure through your investment platform.

  1. Create or trade Metaverse NFTs

Another option that you could use to gain investment exposure to the Metaverse is by purchasing NFTS. Platforms like Immutable X facilitate free minting of NFTS and a trading platform where users can openly trade their NFT.s These NFTs can be used in a myriad of their games, and future games they are developing.

These games all take place in the Metaverse, making this another potential option to gain exposure to the Metaverse.

  1. Develop for the Metaverse

Okay, so this last one doesn;t quite relate to making a monetary investment into the Metaverse. However it does refer to investing in the ecosystem. Maybe you are an awesome developer, you could invest your time and skills into developing games or infrastructure for Metaverse projects.

This would not only have the potential to build the Metaverse ecosystem, but provide a way to monetise your knowledge and skill set. There are many game developer studios that have done well for themselves building in the Metaverse.


Other ways businesses are capitalising on the digital world

There are also ways that more traditional businesses are capitalising on the Metaverse trend. This includes hosting virtual events, therefore opening up greater earning opportunities as in person events are often limited to certain capacity. Other platforms are looking to utilise NFT’s for member passes and adding more value to their customers. 

Final Thoughts

There are many different ways to invest in the Metaverse, whether that is using your time, money or knowledge. It certainly seems that the virtual world is becoming more popular and the Metaverse is building a strong ecosystem around it.

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