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Meet the Team: Robert Beer

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Elliott Lyons
Elliott Lyons

Meet the Team: Robert Beer

With a couple of recent hires here at Bamboo and a bit more of a crowd forming, we thought we'd wander in to see what all the fuss was about. We ask to speak to the man that has been holding the fort down in the Finance department and get an exclusive interview, how lucky are we!? All jokes aside, Rob runs a tight ship and that's the way we like it, so we're excited to share our chat below...

What's your role at Bamboo Rob?
Product Accountant

What do you love about your job?
I get to see all the movements and changes in the Crypto world, and see everyone’s assets grow!

Love it! And when you’re not at work - what are you up to?
Playing sportsball and gaming with my mates online.

Nice! And do you have a favourite holiday destination?
Skiing in that sweet sweet Japanese Power.

Any crypto project you’re keeping a close eye on?

Have you been into crypto for a while?
Was introduced 5 years ago and been dabbling, but mostly just holding ever since.

HODL! If you weren’t our Product Accountant what would you be?
Retired at 40 – the dream.

Do you follow a sports team?
McLaren F1 Racing currently – Go Ricciardo!

Perth through and through! Favourite social media platform and why?
They’re all terrible.

Classic! Any podcasts we should check out?
Hamish and Andy podcast is always good for a laugh.

Power move. Any TV / Movie recommendations for us?
The Boys is by far and away my favourite show, love it!

Thanks for tuning in folks, hope you're enjoying getting to know the team behind the brand here at Bamboo HQ.

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