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Meet the Team: Tracey Plowman

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Elliott Lyons
Elliott Lyons

Meet the Team: Tracey Plowman

Continuing on from last weeks adventure into the Operations department with our chat to Oli, we look around the room and see our COO - Tracey who is next in line to feature on our Meet the Team feature. So read on and enjoy getting to know Trace as she is more affectionately known around Bamboo HQ...

Diving straight in, we know you are a tough one to put a title on, because you’re such a utility but what is your official title and role here at Bamboo Trace?
Chief Operating Officer

What do you love about your job? 
Getting to cross over and work with all the different business units and engage with all of our amazing staff.

Love it! And when you’re not at work - what are you up to?
Family time is A1 priority for me, so hanging with my boys and taking country breaks is my jam!

Speaking of country breaks have you got a favourite holiday destination?
After travelling this entire globe and seeing some truly amazing sights, I still think the Great Southern has some of the most beautiful beaches and scenery in the world!

It is pristine! Do you have a favourite crypto project you’re keeping a close eye on?
Have you heard of a little project called Ethereum.....?

We'll have to look into it...Have you been into crypto for a while?
Not as long as many but longer than most.

Classic! If you weren’t a COO what would you be?
Jason Bateman's stalker

😂 What was your childhood dream?
That I could eat all of the cake batter right out of the bowl before it went in the oven. ALL OF IT!

Haven't thought of that since childhood...Ahh the nostalgia! Favourite sports team?
Fremantle Football Club

Okay we might have to end things there....
Jokes! Favourite social media platform and why?
Meh. I don't feel that strongly to be honest. But Insta's probably got me.

Any podcasts we should check out?
How I Built This & Smartless are my favs from a long list. But have you heard of Crypto Curious? That one's rather informative ;)

Oh yeah the host has the same name as you! Any TV / Movie recommendation for us?
Big Mouth & Into the Shadows for a laugh. After Life & Maid for a cry.

Love it!

Hope you've enjoyed getting to know Tracey as much as we enjoy working with her. Stay tuned for next weeks instalment as we take you behind the office doors and get to know more of the Bamboo team.

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